... the fourth 150-word novel

Valentine's Day

She got up and found herself in a huge crowd. There was a flying grief all around. Aunt, uncle, nephews and cousins – the house was teeming with family faces! Quite lost in this maze she shrilled out, “Maaaa...”

A tearful neighbour cradled her up gently and helped her wash and clean.

“Why are they all crying?”
“Your Dada is no more.”

She was too innocent to catch the last piece. But the word “Dada” churned her rosy wish. She was so little that she couldn't push through the throng of foes. However, her wish was kept as the throng thinned away slowly. She found her Ma with slow-moving eyes. The little valentine started pushing her sand-silent Dada, “Wake up! Playtime is running out!”

It's another love story that took place ... sans rose, sans kiss... on the 14th February of a forgotten year.


Blue Lotus said...

That was really touching.

Priya said...

Very beautiful...

Dr. Pratibha Singh said...

that was so touching.

Humberto Dib said...

Hi, I just popped in to say hello, great blog, congratulations! I'll be your new follower.
You can visit mine if you feel like.
Cheers from Argentina!


Anonymous said...

wonderful piece of writing, an innocent girl... who fails to realise that her world has changed for ever from now on ... on this un-fateful day...that tinge will be a pain all through out her life... had a similar exp when my uncle died in prime of his health... :|
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